Guest Post – Praying With Power by Hannah Williams


“So Peter was kept in prison but fervent prayer for him was persistently made to God by the church [assembly].” Amplified Bible


The prayer that has power is the prayer offered unto God. Praying with power includes a fervent spirit and a willingness to persevere!  Praying with power includes four very important elements.

First, we must have an awareness that God is listening to our heart’s cry as we pray. We must know that He is listening to our petitions and going to grant what we ask of Him.  This can only be done by the help of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:26 states, “Likewise, the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Amplified Bible).  We must focus on God more than our petitions.

Secondly, we must pray without ceasing. Again, we turn to Scripture for our instruction: “Now I beg you, brethren, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in prayers to God for me” (I. Thessalonians 5:17, Amplified Bible).

Next, there is power in UNITED prayer!! The apostles are our example as we see in Acts 5:12: “Now by the hands of the apostles (special messengers) numerous and startling signs and wonders were being performed among the people. And by common consent they all met together [at the temple] in the covered porch called Solomon’s” (Amplified Bible).  God pays special attention when His people are united with one heart seeking God and believing that He will act. Does a father listen more intently when he has several children imploring him for help? Of course! God acts in the same way. He delights  in having an intimate relationship with his kids. Until we grasp this concept of united prayer, I believe we will continue to hinder the hand of God from accomplishing all that He desires to accomplish in and through us.

The last element that we will cover here is that there is power in prayer when we fast. Please do not quit reading here. This, also, is such an important aspect of praying with power! Jesus Himself practiced fasting, and we can see in Acts 14:23 that the apostles fasted as well: “And when they had appointed and ordained elders for them in each church with prayer and fasting, they committed them to the Lord in Whom they had come to believe [being full of joyful trust that He is the Christ, the Messiah]” (Amplified Bible). There are times of emergency or special circumstances where people of earnest prayer will give up things (such as a meal) and devote themselves completely to prayer.  The definition of fasting is going without food deliberately for the sake of spiritual accomplishment. Fasting with the right motives and accompanied by an attitude of genuine charity for those in need will, indeed, move the arm of God. Fasting tells God, “I cannot do it; I need You to intervene.”

If you will apply these principles to your life, you will certainly experience the amazing privilege of praying with power! What are you waiting for?


By. Hannah Williams


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